Stickman Limited Productions

Archive for the ‘Year of Games’ category

Recently I’ve had some massive upheaval in my life, and I’ve decided that instead of just doing little projects to keep myself busy and in practice, I am going to actually try to finish and publish something. I think it will be a pen and paper RPG rather than a video game. In other news, […]

Or in this case, I should say “Arrr!” The last few weeks I’ve been on again, off again, sick as hell. I haven’t had time to catch up to my schoolwork, let alone work on my own games. However, I’ve spent the last year or so working on a set of pen and paper RPGs, […]

I’ve been a bit busy lately so I haven’t been able to do much other than finish the little Space Invaders demo up. So here it is. This one has three different kinds of ship to play as.

Simple touchscreen control test

January 26th, 2011

For this first month, since I’m using a language that I’m not well versed in at all, I decided to start simple. Back to the basics. With a simple game to do a simple test to play with the idea of touchscreen controls. Obviously this one uses the mouse, since it’s the PC version. But the idea is there. Hover the mouse over the little control bar at the bottom to move around, click on it to send the next wave of enemies in.

I have decided to challenge myself. Starting on New Year’s day, I am going to start working on one game a month. I will have something to post on the first of every month. That may not be a finished game, but it will at least be a demo or working concept.

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