Stickman Limited Productions

No matter what. I will finish a game. I will try to get it put out there in some way, shape or form. Either for free, or for cheap on D2D and/or Steam. I’ve had Break Invaders 2 sitting there only missing an ending cutscene. I have had numerous ideas for ways to make the Break Invaders concept even better. I’m tired of swimming in place and never finishing anything.

So for now, my sights will be set on Break Invaders. After that, I’ve got a couple of ideas for 2d sidescrollers that can be done. One revamp of Alabama Bones, but I’m not going to settle for a simple sidescroller. I’m going to go for the Prince of Persia style run/jump/climb thing I wanted originally. The other idea is one that I’d rather not reveal yet, but it will involve ninjas. Because ninjas are awesome.

But I WILL put out a game by the end of the summer. That is my goal. I will make sure that I spend at least a few hours a day every day on something.

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